Tuesday, April 29, 2008

190 Days Until Collegiate Roundball

College Basketball always begins around November 5th or so which means college basketball is approximately 190 days away. Everyday I will have a new reason to look forward to the 2008-2009 season. I started this countdown about 205 days before the season, so some of these are going to be lame, but hey I need 205 freaking reasons why you should be looking forward to the 2008-2009 season.

Reason 190: The start of basketball season means we begin a new countdown until Syracuse plays UCONN in women's basketball. I'm looking forward to it after getting a response from the director of women's basketball at UCONN almost four months after I emailed him my post on good old Geno Auriemma. Coach Eisenmann thanked me for my comments and appreciated my input. Overall the email was very nice and I don't want to criticize Eisenmann since he actually got back to me, but his email came off like he didn't read my post on Geno. Who knows, maybe Coach Eisenmann is just a really nice guy and really has nothing negative in response. Anyways, I really appreciated him getting back to me and hope he responds to the next email I sent him further explaining my stance.

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