College Basketball always begins around November 5th or so which means college basketball is approximately 203 days away. Everyday I will have a new reason to look forward to the 2008-2009 season. I started this countdown about 205 dayss before the season, so some of these are going to be lame, but hey I need 205 freaking reasons why you should be looking forward to the 2008-2009 season.
Since we are about 203 days away from basketball season, then that means we are about 200 days away from the first Basketball article that is in the least controversial in anyway. What does that mean you ask? Well it means about 13 different people on ridiculous screen names will post completely idiotic statements, rumors, and unrelated comments on the articles. These comments equal humorous, funny reading material.
So in 203 days look forward to wonderful articles ruined by dumb comments. I pity Mike Waters, Donna Diota, and Brent Axe for having to put up with that.
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