Monday, April 14, 2008

Carmelo is Arrested

Carmelo Anthony now has two strikes on his record after being arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence.

'Melo was suspended last year for 15 games after his role in the Madison Square Garden brawl below.

Anthony wasn't driving in a single lane and failed to dim his lights. He was released on bond early Monday morning is scheduled to appear in court May 14th.

It's been a great week for SU basketball...Donte' going pro and now Carmelo being arrested. I'm feeling maybe Josh Wright is going to ask the coaching staff to let him come back as a graduate assistant.


Poncho Sinatra said...

Back up and running. I got pretty tired of reading the "Unsung Hero" post about Rodney Carney everyday for the past month.....

WTF? Carmelo!


Jameson Fleming said...

Sorry I subjected you that. Blame a bullshit classes from the college of arts and sciences and a few education classes for the Groundhog Day effect post
